Make Your Mark on Local History
In 2023, the Tri-Cities Historical Museum...
Completed a year-long Disaster Preparedness training with all staff and Board, making our team better equipped to respond to natural disasters such as flood or fire and recover the community's artifacts.
Brought artifacts and hands-on investigative lessons to 100% of the second-grade public school classrooms in the Tri-Cities.
Ensured the preservation for future generations of more than 350 new local artifacts to grow our collection of objects, photographs, and documents that carry our story forward, including oral histories and objects from the youngest of the Tri-Cities, Ferrysburg.
Increased the accessibility to our local history through digital exhibitions, our online database Collective Access, and ADA-compliant access to our two sites.
Stewarded the historic 151-year-old Akeley building in downtown Grand Haven, visited every year by more than 18,000 adults and children.
Do you have a question about giving to the Museum?
Please get in touch with Elisa Hopper, Development Director at (616) 842-0700 x 120 or connectingtohistory@tchmuseum.org

Make a Memorial Gift
Pay tribute to someone who lived in the Tri-Cities, loved visiting, or was passionate about Tri-Cities Historical Museum by making a gift in their name.
Or, give a gift to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, or other special event, dedicating your gift in honor of the occasion. We print all Memorial and Dedication gifts in the TCHM Annual Report, unless you choose to remain anonymous.
Choose 'Memorial Gift' or 'Gift in Honor', then add your dedication message in the Comment box.

Make a Bequest or Planned Gift and become a History Keeper
The Tri-Cities Historical Museum accepts and appreciates planned gifts in a variety of forms, including as a beneficiary of a bequest through your will or estate plans, through an IRA or 401(k) retirement account, or through a life insurance policy.
To participate in the Museum’s legacy giving program and become a "History Keeper," first arrange for your planned gift or bequest to the Tri-Cities Historical Museum. Let the Museum know you've designated a gift:

Donate an Object
to the Museum’s collection
Another great way to support the Museum is to donate historical objects related to the Tri-Cities. Learn more about donating items to the Museum’s collection here.
Donate your Oral History to the Museum’s collection
Share your family or business story with future generations! Learn more about donating your oral history to the Museum’s collection here.
Make a Tax-Deductible Contribution
The Tri-Cities Historical Museum operates under 501(c)(3) non-profit status. Our Tax EIN is #23-7070227. Give to our Collections, Education, Exhibitions, or Facilities funds (above), or choose one of these options: